Clean Technologies

Early College High School

A NYS P-TECH Program

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Clean Tech ECHS News

  •  students presenting their projetcs

    Senior Solar Project Presentations

    Seniors in the Clean Technologies & Sustainable Industries Early College High School program presented their Solar Needs projects to experts in the field on Wednesday, March 27th at Hudson Valley Community College's North Campus.  Students identified a solution to a local or global human need using solar energy and created an interactive model to represent their idea.  Students were provided with a hypothetical budget and in their presentations had to address the financial feasibility of the plan, logistical feasibility, the solution to the problem using solar energy, cultural considerations, and the projected impact on stakeholders.  Evaluators in attendance included representatives from the Building Performance Institute, Department of Environmental Conservation, Fosterra, Guth DeConzo Consulting Engineers, and Hudson Valley Community College.  For more information on the Early College High School Program, contact ECHS Program Coordinator, Adrienne Snow,

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  •  students in clean room suits

    Prospective Student Shadow Day - 3/28/24

    We invite students to join us to learn about the Clean Technologies & Sustainable Industries Early College High School at TEC-SMART, a program that helps students from the Greater Capital Region cultivate college and career readiness skills. The program develops and supports pathways to higher education leading to careers in STEM-related fields. Students will earn up to 34 college credits at NO COST TO YOU OR YOUR FAMILY!

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  •  group of students that went to the New York Youth Institute

    Junior Papers Accepted into New York Youth Institute

    Juniors in the Clean Technologies & Sustainable Industries Early College High School Program submitted their research paper on a global challenge, why it's a problem, and their proposed solution.  Students whose papers were accepted attended the New York Youth Institute World Food Prize conference at Cornell University on Friday, March 22nd.  Students were designated as Borlaug Scholars.  They presented their research and recommendations on their ways to solve key global challenges.  Students had the opportunity to connect with other student leaders from the state, as well as interact with global leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs to brainstorm ideas on how to end hunger, poverty, and improve food security around the world.  Based on this experience and presentation of their speeches, students may be selected to serve as delegates to the Global Youth Institute in Iowa.  More information on the New York Youth Institute can be found here.  For more information on the Early College High School Program, please contact ECHS Coordinator, Adrienne Snow,  

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