Student Registration

  •  Welcome New Students and Parents!
    New (and returning) students are registered through the Registration Office, located in the District Office, 70 Malta Avenue. Parents/Legal Guardians should obtain and complete a registration packet and return it to Annelise Kavanaugh in the Registration Office between 8am and 3:30pm. 

    For the Registration Process and Required Documents, click here.

    If you have an Incoming Kindergartner for the 2024-25 school year, please go to the Kindergarten Page for information. 



    Enrollment Policy
    Board of Education Policy Manual File 7.3—Student Enrollment Policy  

    School Building Contact Information:

    Milton Terrace Elementary: 884-7210 Ext. 3353

    Gordon Creek Elementary: 884-7270 Ext. 3372

    Malta Avenue Elementary: 884-7250 Ext. 1351

    Wood Road Elementary: 884-7290 Ext. 3390

    Middle School: 884-7200 Ext. 4310

    High School: 884-7150 Ext. 2362